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Nan's Kids & Atlanta Gladiators

Named in honor of Nan Cronin McCloskey, the foundation promotes educational and personal growth for youth within our community. 

While Nan shared many commonalities with the rest of us – a proud parent, a devoted spouse, and a loving mother – her impact extended far beyond these roles. Her love for children was so profound that, in addition to raising her own large family of nine, she dedicated herself to caring for young ones as a profession. Nan regularly volunteered her services to numerous charitable causes, never hesitating to lend a hand when asked, and was always the first to offer assistance to families in need. 

Nan left an indelible mark on everyone she encountered, often becoming the catalyst for positive change in their lives. Above all, Nan cared deeply – about her family, her community, and the well-being of others, placing their needs above her own.

Throughout the remainder of this season and in the coming years, the Gladiators will continue to support Nan and her efforts through various community events, in-game initiatives such as 50-50, and much more.

You can read more about the Nan's Kids Foundation HERE!

Nan's Kids Interest Form